After two weeks of meditations, we decided to choose the best comment from December, 2004. The prize (the Atari Forever set) goes to Dracon/Taquart, for his irony about Silly Venture 2004 results, actually the gfx compo: At last, something has moved, and new talents appeared (gfx compo) :) Congratulations! and be glad of your award and work on. "Old ones" do not need to proof their abilities ;) because the "fresh blood" has to surprise and pump up the level! :) Our Congratulations!
| Added by: Vasco/Tristesse |
Normalnie... brakuje mi słów... :o :]
Z góry dzięksy jednak, zestaw na pewno pomoże odświeżyć wspomnienia... :))
Dracon, 2005-01-19 10:25:27,
Nie, no - Dracon :: teraz ludziska pixlują "aparatami" do pixlowania; ehehh- Słyszałem ostatnio o nowym - PIXEL Canon D20 - ponoć nieźle pixluje.
Pin, 2005-01-22 01:42:20,
Pin: rotfl :D
Dracon, 2005-01-23 01:01:58,
Jak widać nagradzane są chyba najbardziej złośliwe komentarze... trzeba będzie zmienić taktykę. :P
Jurgi, 2005-01-27 00:24:38,
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