I just came back from the East Party in Monki. And this way dead the last Polish party organized by an XL/XE user...
Congratulations to all those, who didn't find time to arrive for 5 years. There was quite many people, as for this party:
Anj, Dely, Epi/Tristesse, Kasjo/Shpoon, Mazi, Mev, Miker/BB, Mikey/NG, Wilson and Ziger. An eCompo took place,
and the winner was ANj with his rulling production. I do not understand, why there was only one graphic for this
party... :) The party was organized (as always) by McMaster/SSG, with a help of Grubshy/SSG, Yezus/SSG, and
Havoc. There was nice, warm, and there was also a bit of sport emotions (although the result was known before...). The
stuff is here.
| Added by: Vasco/Tristesse & Epi/Tristesse |
party bylo wysmienite !
mikey, 2004-10-21 22:43:20, x
No. A jak tam celowanie w drzwi?
Jurgi, 2004-10-22 00:38:09, x
Ja musze sie przyznac ze z organizacja Party nie mialem nic wspolnego :) to wszystko
zasluga pozastalych ziomali ;]
Havoc, 2004-10-22 12:03:22, x
A klimat to stomatolog?
Vasco/Tristesse, 2004-10-22 14:05:22, x
to jest aluzja do mojego nazwiska? :)
Havoc, 2004-10-22 20:49:11, x
Nie znam Twego nazwiska szczerze mowiac, znam Twoje upodobania :)
Vasco/Tristesse, 2004-10-22 23:27:06, x
party wcale nie jest ostatnie bo: "nastepnego Easta nie bedzie, ale jak
przyjedziecie to bedzie" :D
mikey, 2004-10-26 02:43:12, x
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