Only in a week a third edition of copy party in Głuchołazy by Ryszard Mauserberg will be hold. Please remember, that event place has been moved. New copy party address is Zespół Szkół w Głuchołazach (School Complex in Głuchołazy), Kolonia Kaszubska street nr 2. If someone needs a bit better place for rest his bones that common sleeping room, he would like to hear, that there is a PTSM hostel in the Complex (Polish Youth Hostel Association, associated partner of International Youth Hostel Federation). Entry fee is 30 zł (women and children, as always, enter for free). Competition rules, list of willing participants may be found on the official website. To feel the taste, see photos from Głuchołazy 2007.
| Added by: Vasco/Tristesse |
Czy zdążę jeszcze na to party?
Jack Tramiel, 2008-07-30 15:50:25,
Za to, ze zniszczyles firme atari masz zakaz wjazdy na wszelakie party!
kiszka, 2008-08-01 16:09:18,
Blokujemy anonimy?
Vasco/Tristesse, 2008-08-02 23:47:42,
A ja wiem kto to napisał :)
dely, 2008-08-03 20:00:39,
To będzie współudział! :P
Vasco/Tristesse, 2008-08-05 17:39:31,
Czy tylko 2 osoby udostępniły fotki z party? Aparatczyków widziałem więcej....
pajero, 2008-08-07 23:24:20,
Ja mam już na serwerze, tylko czekam na wenę do opisu...
Vasco/Tristesse, 2008-08-09 00:14:41,
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