A new game by Eru, Fox, X-Ray and BeWu. "Yoomp! is an 8-bit Atari action game with some great features, including:
- three dimensional textured tube,
- lots of ingame items - additional lives, extra jumps, earthquakes, lightings and teleporters,
- outstanding stereo music with interactive stereo panning effect,
- on-the-fly adjustments of music or sound effects volume,
- 5 unique eye-catching background graphics,
- highly detailed antialiased ball with interactive shadow,
- 21 levels with increasing difficulty,
- great title and end-of-the-game screens (get there to see it!),
- hours of fun - a perfect run through the game takes over 20 minutes.
The game currently takes part in the ABBUC 2007 Software Contest, competing with other high-quality entries.
The game will be publicly available FOR FREE after the ABBUC contest results are announced."
Screenshots, movie and more on official site: yoomp.atari.pl.
| Added by: Vasco/Tristesse |
Kiedy się kończy abbuc kontest ?
dhor, 2007-10-26 12:36:44,
w niedziele
mikey, 2007-10-26 21:24:55,
znaczy, no, w tę. 28.10
mikey, 2007-10-26 21:25:27,
W sobotę przecie...
Vasco/Tristesse, 2007-10-27 17:02:13,
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