A new version of Mads cross-assembler: 1.2.8beta is available. Please download and tryout. Fixes and new features:
lines similar to: dta b(value1),b(value2),... was wrongly assembled, fixed,
- problems with /l: /o: /t: switches
- a new switch /h creates *.h file for cc65 (test version),
- extended macros declaration, separator and
work mode added (see example: XASM_MACRO.ASM),
- declaration of procedure parameters changed from '( )' to'{
- output codes (same as in Xasm) added,
- pseudo-command .IF now has an equivalent in pseudo-command
- pseudo-command .ELSE now has an equivalent in pseudo-command ELS,
- pseudo-command .ENDIF now has an
equivalent in pseudo-command EIF,
- support for syntax such as: LDA ADRES,Y[+-] (LDA (BYTE),Y[+-]) and LDA
ADRES,Y[+-]expression added,
- new examples for Mads ProTracker and Inertia added.
Update: Mads 1.2.9beta. Changes:
- some bugs reported by Raster corrected (eg.
..\RMT_PLAYER\MUSIC.A65 assembles correctly at the moment),
- support for XASM-like syntax with macros added
(examples in XASM_MACRO.ASM),
- new pseudo-command .ELSEIF and it's equivalent ELI added,
- new pseudo-command
ERT (ERT expression) added,
- new switch: '/m:filename' allows to read file with macros
An example of XASM syntax use is in file 'INFLATE.ASM' by Fox, but the manual opcodes
lda (byte),0
has been replaced with
lda (byte),y
All remaining commands are macros, eg. for 'scc:iny' the ':' sign is
replaced with '?' sign - that way the macro's ('scc?iny') calling is created, which we have to define (it is already in
TeBe, nie nadążamy... 2 poprawki na dzień??
Vasco/Tristesse, 2004-11-22 23:39:16,
ludzie znajduja wiecej bugow niz ja :)
tebe, 2004-11-23 01:15:25,
A to wredoty jedne. Zatrudnij beta-testerów :). Nie trzeba będzie dwa razy
dziennie nowej wersji wypuszczać :D. Swoją drogą, niech ktoś znający się zerknie na angielską wersję newsa. Ja na teh
hermetyce wymiękam...
Jurgi, 2004-11-23 01:43:20,
tebe dawaj zrodla :)
mikey, 2004-11-23 10:44:20,
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