A new version of Graph2Font v3.8.2.8. has shown. Changes:
- added possibility to change size of yellow cursor in the 'Edit Screen', what means, that the number of copied, pasted and inverted chars may be changed too,
- added possibility to force change of the charset from the new row,
- added possibility to set picture row as 8 empty lines (PIXEL = 0),
- changed the way of marking areas for Edit Sprite, Colors, Moxe XY,
- fixed picture displaing for PIXEL=2 and GTIA=$40, so the 16-shade mode will not be turned on (as it was in the previous versions of G2F).
Update: Graph2Font v3.8.2.9 Fixed bug with entering Zoom in HiRes mode.
emkay wykryl blad, dla grafik HiRes przy probie przejscia do Zoomu wystepuje blad, poprawiam to
tebe, 2005-04-24 00:01:05,
a ja to bym chcial zeby sie rysowalo jak na font makerze (w zoomie)
xxl, 2005-04-24 12:14:46,
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