Dely and the AtariArea team announce the sixth 24H compo - code compo. The goal is to create the most fancy trainer for the Montezuma's Revenge game. The trainer may have not only the simplifications, but as many game modifications, intros and other gadgets as possible. File size is not limited, using extra memory is allowed. The entry have to run on Atari XL/XE with 6502 CPU.
The deadline is set to Sunday, April the 24th, at 18:00 (6 p.m.). The e-mail header's timestamp will be taken into account.
Some more details may be found in the respective topic in the AA forum.
| Added by: Jurgi/Tristesse |
Krasiwyj temat! Mam nadieżdę, że to nie za mało czasu. :) Szkoda, że nie jestem koderem.
Krasnov, 2005-04-23 15:50:49,
Dżurgi, to nie jest 6-te 24h code compo, a 6-te 24h compo w ogóle, jest to drugie code compo, popraw z łaski swojej.
dely, 2005-04-23 18:54:40,
Dilaj: poprawiłem z łaski swojej.
Jurgi, 2005-04-23 23:52:35,
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