Paweł Rosowski has published new beta version of IK+ game conversion for Atari, signed with number 0103. Changes and fixes:
- added the walkaround for Atari hardware bug, that caused the missing of some NMI interrupt requests,
- possibility to continue the struggle after round end (press Start),
- no music in this version.
This is the last version runable on 64 KB. In the next version the author is going to improve the performance of the animation engine. Some more details on the project's page.
| Added by: Jurgi/Tristesse |
Huh, a co na to Vega? Ciekawe, kto pierwszy skończy swoją konwersję...
Krasnov, 2005-03-31 05:24:09,
lubie ik+ i juz sobie ja siciagam
edek, 2005-03-31 12:32:06,
Łał, a widzieliście "hidden part"? Niezły żart! Ale działa chyba tylko z ext ramem.
Krasnov, 2005-04-01 10:37:02,
Widziałem - był z muzyką ?? - hehehe
Pin, 2005-04-03 22:18:45,
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