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The bazaar rules: 1. Chooso the category (buy, sell, exchange) and amount of time, the offer will be valid.
2. Fill the field(s) Info (PL, EN or both). If you want the offer to be shown in both languages and you cannot translate it -please write it in the suitable field, we will translate it for you. If you do not want to buy/sell abroad, please do not
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3. If the offered article is also offered elsewhere - please add link (with no http://) to the auction/sale.
4. The Author and e-mail fields are nessesary! The e-mail will not be shown to the public, it will be available only throughthe from. You will also receive info about acceptation or rejection of your offer (eg due to breaking the rules) on this
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5. Please fill also the other fields - telephone, instant messenger, address - this will make contact easier. You may also
eg. write only a town instead of full datas.
6. The offer will be shown when checked and accepted - usually in the few hours.
7. The offer does not obligate anyone to anything. It is only an announcement.